Highway Racer
2024-05-31 14:15:02,最后更新于 3天前
备注: 1080P蓝光
豆瓣链接: imdb链接:
  This is a low-grade poliziottesco, the second I've watched from former cinematographer Massi – and a much inferior product to the character-driven EMERGENCY SQUAD (1974). In fact, as the title itself suggests, the film is virtually a non-stop succession of car chases – filled with spectacular (but often unbelievable) stuntwork staged by the ubiquitous Remy Julienne. Its other major flaw is the miscasting of lead Maurizio Merli as a speed-crazy rookie cop(!), a role better suited to Giuliano Gemma (who had actually played a racing-car driver in Luciano Ercoli's THE MAGNIFICENT DARE DEVIL [1973]) or even Luc Merenda. Amusingly, to give us the impression that the hero is brash and inexperienced, Merli simply had his trademark moustache shaved off!; while his essential woodenness was usually offset by a genuinely authoritative/tough presence and street-smart attitude, here, he comes across as not merely glib but dumb as well! For the record, according to the "Stracult" guide, HIGHWAY RACER is a favorite of both Massi and Merli – go figure!   The majority of the plot, if so it can be called, revolves around the obsessive manhunt by Merli's ageing superior (a legendary iconoclast himself in the old days!) for a notorious criminal/ace driver emanating from Nice. After some initial aggravation between Merli and the Chief (the hero even causes the death of his perennially scared-shitless partner when their inadequately-empowered police car overturns during a chase), the old man is quick to realize that if he's to fight "Il Nizzardo" tooth and nail, Merli's the one to do it – cue the young cop's intensive training to maneuver the revved-up engine on the road and other even more treacherous terrain. Merli's also given an obligatory romance, supplied by lovely "Euro-Cult" starlet Lilli Carati – but her part is so underwritten as to be almost an afterthought! Incidentally, the hero's eventually made to infiltrate the villain's gang – but he's unwittingly exposed by the girl herself prior to their next hit. By now, Merli's so intent on testing his acquired skills with those of the criminal that he even lets the latter go when cornered instead of arresting him…only for the two to meet up for a duel-to-the-death with their cars in a canyon!   A couple other things: the main riff from Heavy Rock band Iron Butterfly's signature tune "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is ever so subtly (but recognizably) incorporated into Stelvio Cipriani's score towards the end of the film!; also, when I discovered that among the U.S. titles attached to this one is CONVOY BUSTERS, I mistakenly thought it had been released as a "Special Edition" by No Shame. However, when I went to check for reviews of that particular DVD, I realized that the original title of the film in question was UN POLIZIOTTO SCOMODO, made in 1978…albeit re-uniting the same lead and director! Confused? (Actually, it's much the same thing that went on with two separate gialli called at one time or another PARANOIA, both of which were directed by Umberto Lenzi and starred Carroll Baker.) 收起



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◎影片别名:Highway Racer




◎影片时长:95 分钟


◎影片主演:罗萨里奥·博雷利 莉莉·卡拉蒂 贾恩卡洛·斯布拉贾 格劳科·奥诺拉托 奥拉齐奥·奥兰多 毛里齐奥·梅里 安杰洛·伊凡蒂 迈克尔·福瑞斯特 Paolo Manfred 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:15:02


  This is a low-grade poliziottesco, the second I've watched from former cinematographer Massi – and a much inferior product to the character-driven EMERGENCY SQUAD (1974). In fact, as the title itself suggests, the film is virtually a non-stop succession of car chases – filled with spectacular (but often unbelievable) stuntwork staged by the ubiquitous Remy Julienne. Its other major flaw is the miscasting of lead Maurizio Merli as a speed-crazy rookie cop(!), a role better suited to Giuliano Gemma (who had actually played a racing-car driver in Luciano Ercoli's THE MAGNIFICENT DARE DEVIL [1973]) or even Luc Merenda. Amusingly, to give us the impression that the hero is brash and inexperienced, Merli simply had his trademark moustache shaved off!; while his essential woodenness was usually offset by a genuinely authoritative/tough presence and street-smart attitude, here, he comes across as not merely glib but dumb as well! For the record, according to the "Stracult" guide, HIGHWAY RACER is a favorite of both Massi and Merli – go figure!

  The majority of the plot, if so it can be called, revolves around the obsessive manhunt by Merli's ageing superior (a legendary iconoclast himself in the old days!) for a notorious criminal/ace driver emanating from Nice. After some initial aggravation between Merli and the Chief (the hero even causes the death of his perennially scared-shitless partner when their inadequately-empowered police car overturns during a chase), the old man is quick to realize that if he's to fight "Il Nizzardo" tooth and nail, Merli's the one to do it – cue the young cop's intensive training to maneuver the revved-up engine on the road and other even more treacherous terrain. Merli's also given an obligatory romance, supplied by lovely "Euro-Cult" starlet Lilli Carati – but her part is so underwritten as to be almost an afterthought! Incidentally, the hero's eventually made to infiltrate the villain's gang – but he's unwittingly exposed by the girl herself prior to their next hit. By now, Merli's so intent on testing his acquired skills with those of the criminal that he even lets the latter go when cornered instead of arresting him…only for the two to meet up for a duel-to-the-death with their cars in a canyon!

  A couple other things: the main riff from Heavy Rock band Iron Butterfly's signature tune "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is ever so subtly (but recognizably) incorporated into Stelvio Cipriani's score towards the end of the film!; also, when I discovered that among the U.S. titles attached to this one is CONVOY BUSTERS, I mistakenly thought it had been released as a "Special Edition" by No Shame. However, when I went to check for reviews of that particular DVD, I realized that the original title of the film in question was UN POLIZIOTTO SCOMODO, made in 1978…albeit re-uniting the same lead and director! Confused? (Actually, it's much the same thing that went on with two separate gialli called at one time or another PARANOIA, both of which were directed by Umberto Lenzi and starred Carroll Baker.)


  龙腾影院为您整理了电影《飙风警察》的相关资讯,《飙风警察》于意大利上映,是一部由导演斯泰尔维奥·马西 导演执导,罗萨里奥·博雷利 莉莉·卡拉蒂 贾恩卡洛·斯布拉贾 格劳科·奥诺拉托 奥拉齐奥·奥兰多 毛里齐奥·梅里 安杰洛·伊凡蒂 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上龙腾影院(www.mcr-motorola.com),本网站同时也提供《飙风警察》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


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